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Spring Specail!
Mineral Hair Analysis
Trace mineral analysis is a test which measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within the body, or bio-unavailability.
Indigo BioFeedback
The INDIGO Biofeedback System performs non-invasive body scans designed to detect imbalances in the body by measuring how it reacts to over 9,000 frequencies at biological speeds. By utilizing these advanced technologies we will help you understand the causes and effects of stressors, and more importantly, how to manage it by taking a more preventative, proactive approach to your health and well-being,
Biofeedback is a technique which provides a measurement of the body, similarly to how a scale measures the body’s weight and a thermometer measures the body’s temperature. For the Biofeedback however, it measures the body’s electrical system such as the voltage of the muscles and firing brain cells, the amperage of the heart’s muscle contractions, and the resistance to the flow of electricity of the skin.
We can measure the oscillations of these factors seen by the EEG, ECG, EMG, and GSR. The same technological theories that brought us biofeedback in the 1960’s have also brought devices like the CAT Scan, MRI, TENS, Ultra-sound, and many other sophisticated technologies to our healthcare systems.
This information is “fed-back” to the client, informing them of various physcological parameters and stress responses within the body. and educating them about the need to retain their body’s stress responses, balancing their eletrical system, make lifestyle changes or learn how to control physcological reactions in order to achieve improved relaxation and better health overall.
Biofeedback utilizes elector-dermal sensors to measure Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR), also referred to as Electro-Dermal Response (EDR). GSR measures mild electrical impulses on the surface of our skin, which change due to moisture. The moisture of the skin changes according to the body’s degree of stress and/or relaxation. There is a direct relationship between sympathetic nervous activity and emotional arousal. GSR is so sensitive it can even measure fluctuations in emotional states; think about the lie detector, for example.
Biofeedback instruments measure muscle activity, skin temperature, electrodermal activity (sweat gland activity), respiration, heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, brain electrical activity and blood flow. There are many types of biofeedback: GSR, EEG, CAT scan, MRI, etc. These technologies are able to capture the body’s analog electrical signals and translate those signals into meaningful information through complex algorithmic software that a technician can then decipher.
Urine Neurotransmitter Testing
Your nervous system is the master controller of everthing that goes on inside your body. It directs everything from life-sustaining functions such as breathing, digestion, and sleep, to emotions and learning. It’s also essential for responding to what’s going on around you. The nervous system accomplishes all of these functions using chemical signals called neurotransmitters. We take Urine Samples to find any imbalances involving your nervous system and body’s chemistry.
Pulse electromagnetic Frequency
Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency, or PEMF, is a revolutionary therapy technique using electromagnetic frequency. Feel more energized, sleep better, and reduce your chronic pain naturally.
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We also Test for:
Saliva Hormones
Hormonal activities have a profound effect on your nervous system and immune functions
Food Sensitivity
Simple blood testing to indicate any food that induce innate immune system activation
Vitamin D Deficiency
Gold standard radioimmunossay testing for Vitamin D. Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to mood disorders, cognitive performance issues, and other nuerohormone disorders